Our first batch was chocolate mint scented goatsmilk soap. Here's what they looked like after coming out of the loaf-mold and cutting:

I tried to do a marbling technique with the green coloring and the natural white of the soap. I think it came out pretty well.
Here's some close ups:
My next batch used a nice Christmas-y scent called "Sleigh Ride." It smells like oranges, peppermint, and some other fruity things. The scented goatsmilk soap went into the massage bar molds in layers. Here's the finished product:
The one on the bottom right is a little lighter because I had run out of the colored batch prematurely and had to mix the rest with the leftovers. I think I actually like the lighter color better.
And a closeup:
My last batch was olive oil based soap colored a deep jewel blue. (Sorry, forgot to take pictures when I was taking them out of the molds!) I scented them with a somewhat strong jasmine scent, but I really like it. I used a heart-shaped muffin tin to mold them. We had a hard time getting them out of them, so I'm not sure if we'll ever use them for soap again, but I like how they came out. I still have them around, now wrapped in plastic wrap (we haven't sent them yet), so if I ever get around to taking pictures of them, I'll post those too.