So, I'm not using this blog currently, so I figured I'd change it (again) into a Sims 3 Legacy blog! (Until I get bored of it again, sadly) 10 generations - Let's go!

Meet the founder of the Legacy family, Kumquat Finkleton! She's neurotic, hydrophobic, loves the outdoors, childish, and artistic. She aspires to make it big in the music world, and lives a hippy-dippy lifestyle in a big empty lot.

Kumquat has already much progress finding a potential father of her heir. She thinks Cycl0n3 Sw0rd is super hardcore and dreamy. He has 0's and a 3 in his name - that means he has to be cool!
Kumquat wastes no time getting Cycl0n3 under his skull-argyle sheets.

But maybe Cycl0n3 isn't the hardcore hunk she thought she was getting. Under the sunglasses and baggy clothes, he's pale and a little scrawny. And let's hope the baby doesn't get his nose...
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